design sucks.

Progress is change. And change means doing something differently than before: students revolt against their teachers, young progressives against old masters. In art and design, too, common insights are being questioned again and again. The subversive humor of italian „Memphis Group“ was a rebellion against the monotony resulting from the overpowering rule of „form follows function“. The radical „New German Design“ of the 80s provoked with concrete, steel and recycled materials. And again and again designers experimented with „readymades“: chairs made from shopping carts, lamps from car headlights, tables from traffic signs.

And here, a chair made of suction cups. The „maker aesthetic“ openly shows every connection: The roughly welded steel rods, the steel cables as bracing, the industrial casters – and the 16 suction cups, which might have been used in a factory if they didn’t form a fascinatingly raw seat here.

to be honest, this piece is more object than chair. we have tested it in the last few months, it works quite well at the kitchen bar to have an espresso or to write the shopping list. not more. otherwise, it’s just nice to look at. and when you look at it like that – it smiles back.

3-legged high chair, steel, suction cups, castors.

Product: high chair

Dimensions: h: 92 cm, sh: 65 cm, diameter: 49 cm

Materials: metal, rubber


rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair
rubber suction cup, radicalism, chair